• Our eTwinning project " Agissons contre le bullying" comes to an end.

    Here's our ebook which consists in 7 stories co-written and co-illustrated by the English eTwinners from Bristol and the 3F pupils from Tinqueux.

    Congratulations to all of them for this great collaborative work.

    your comment
  • This is a poem about Spring and Spring break:


    your comment

    by Annie JAY

     I'll talk about my favourite book, « Complot à Versailles » by Annie Jay. This book is my favourite because it mixes the History of France and a detective novel, in brief, it's all that I like ! I think that it is one of the best books that I have ever read !

     This book appeared for the first time in 1993 in the editions « Hachette Jeunesse ». Since then, two other volumes have appeared, « La Dame aux élixirs » and « L'Aiguille empoisonnée ».

     This story tells the life of two girls in 1676. One of them, the granddaughter of the old knight of Saint-Béryl who was rejected the previous years by Queen Anne of Austria, is called Pauline ; the other one is called Cécile and remembers nothing about her past. When Pauline is invited in Versailles to become a bridesmaid of Queen Marie-Thérèse of Austria and when Cécile, who criticizes non-stop the noble persons, accompanies her to be her chambermaid, they do not suspect that they are going to have to thwart a horrible plot...

    Lucie, 3F

  • Vote for your favourite poem and explain you choice in the comments.

    POEM N°1

    My ideal world is a world where I could fly,

    A world where people that I love never die.


    A place where there is no winter.

    A place which could welcome all the lovers.


    Birds whose songs are pleasant and joyful.

    Birds which are innocent and colourful.


    Full of people who don’t care about money.

    People who are young, free and happy.


    POEM N°2

    My ideal world is a world that is soothing, where birds sing wonderful melodies.

    Somewhere I can hear the lapping of waves and the cries of gulls.


    A place which is crossed by a light navy breeze and which comes with the horns of boats.

    Somewhere I can see the mainsails which go to sea.


    A world that doesn’t judge by appearances.

    A world that is populated of people whose harmony is good.


    A place where mocking, persecutions, racism and violence don’t exist.

    A world whose safety is the main concern, somewhere everybody could be safe.

    I want a better world ; I want people who are afraid of the world to live without fears.


    POEM N°3

    My ideal world is a world where there isn’t any violence.

    A world  where racism has no existence.


    A place where people are happy.

    A place which is lovely.


    Cities whose buildings have no degradation.

    Cities whose environment has no pollution.


    Somewhere that makes everyone rich.

    Somewhere all objectives are easy to reach.


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